Clerk/Tax Collector - townclerk@fowlerny.com
Evening hours on Mondays during the month of January will be held for the convenience of the public to pay their land taxes after regular business hours. Our office will be open every Monday in January from 9:00AM to 12:00PM and 1:00PM to 6:00PM. Regular Office hours are Monday thru Fri¬day, from 9:00AM to 12:00PM and 1:00PM to 4:00PM.
This office issues dog licenses, hunting and fishing licenses, marriage licenses, One Day Marriage Officiant Licenses, Death Certificates, Certified Marriage transcripts, and disabled parking permits. Voter registration forms, absentee ballot applications and building permit applications are available at this office. Notary service is also available at the Town Clerk’s Office. We will start collecting land taxes on January 2, 2025.
Taxes may be paid with cash, check, money order, and credit /debit cards. There is a 2.65% fee added if paying by credit/debit cards. Payments may be received after hours by using the drop-box located at the rear entrance of the Town Hall. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Town Clerk’s Office at (315) 287-0045 ext. 1. Wishing “Health and Happiness” to you and yours in the new year ahead
Clerk's Hours
9:AM-12:PM & 1:PM- 6:PM
(January - June)
Tuesdays, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
9:AM-12:PM & 1:PM- 4:PM