
*******Office hours Tuesdays from 9:00AM to 12:00PM and by appointment.********
Assessors Kathleen Besaw, Robert Theriault, and Timothy Thomas make up the Assessor Department.
If you are a Veteran or surviving spouse of a Veteran with an honorable discharge you may be eligible for one of the following exemptions:
Alternative Veterans Exemption (form RP-458-a) is available only on residential property of a veteran who has served during a designated time of war or received an expeditionary medal.
Cold War Exemption (form RP-458-b) is available only on the residential property of a veteran who served during the Cold War period.
You must apply prior to March 1, 2025, for the 2025-2026 Assessment Roll. Please call our office at (315) 287-0045 Ext 2 and we will mail you the necessary application to complete and return with necessary documents. For more information you can reference the following link: https://veterans.ny.gov/content/property-tax-exemptions-veterans
If you are currently receiving the basic or enhanced star exemptions NYS Tax department will be doing the yearly qualification for these exemptions. If more information is needed you will receive an information request in the mail directly from the NYS Tax Department office. If you have questions or need assistance, please feel free to call our office and we will try to help you all we can.
If you currently have the BASIC Star Exemption and at least one of the homeowners turns 65 before December 31, 2025, you can still apply for the Enhanced Star Exemption with your local assessor. You will need to complete the required application and submit proof of age and income. The income limit for 2025-2026 Enhanced star exemption is $98,700 or less. If you qualify you would be able to continue to receive the exemption on your school tax bill. Please contact our office 315-287-0045 Ext 2 if you believe you may qualify for this exemption. We will mail you the required application to complete and return to local assessor office. This will need to be done prior to March 1, 2025, for the 2025-2026 Assessment Roll.
NEW HOMEOWNERS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE BASIC OR ENHANCED STAR EXEMPTION CREDIT ON TAX BILL. NEW HOMEOWNERS MUST APPLY FOR STAR CREDIT WITH NYS TAX DEPARTMENT. WITH THE STAR CREDIT YOU RECEIVE A CHECK FROM THE TAX DEPARTMENT TO APPLY TO YOUR SCHOOL TAXES. You can apply for Star Credit (WHICH WILL BE A CHECK), by calling 518-457-2036 8:30am to 4:30pm or online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at www.tax.ny.gov/star This number is a good number to call with any questions on STAR CREDIT.
Senior Exemption is eligible for seniors 65 or older upon age, ownership & income qualification. You must earn below $17,699 per year to qualify for this. If you believe you qualify, please contact your local assessor at 315-287-0045 Ext. 2 and we will mail you the necessary application for this exemption.
Our office is currently working on updating property record cards for the Town of Fowler as mandated by NYS Office of Real Property. Data Collection is needed to value each parcel of property located within a specific assessing jurisdiction. It is very important that the data be recorded as accurately and consistently as possible as it will serve as the basis of all future appraisal activity in revaluation programs and ORPS market survey process.
Not only will this information provide the specific elements needed to value each parcel of property, it will also become a valuable record of information for future use by the assessor’s office. If the data collector comes to your property and no one is home a notice will be left so you know we were there. If you could please call the phone number left on the notice that would be greatly appreciated. We might be able to confirm any information needed over the phone and or can set up a time when it would be best to return to your property. This is a work in progress and your help would be greatly appreciated!